Spice Up Your Christmas Event With These Inspiring Ideas!

Spice Up Your Christmas Event With These Inspiring Ideas!

Spice up your Christmas event with these inspiring, fun party ideas! Take your party to the next level this year. Read on to find out more about these fantastic party ideas… 

Doughnut Walls

Doughnut walls are a show stopping party idea. A doughnut wall is essentially a wooden wall with rows of pegs stuck into it. Decorated doughnuts are hung from the pegs creating the doughnut wall. A doughnut wall will be a stunning addition to your Christmas party. Make your doughnut wall extra special with Christmas inspired colours on the wall and the doughnuts. Your guests will love taking pictures in front of the beautiful doughnut wall and snacking on the delicious doughnuts. A doughnut wall is the best way to make your Christmas party extra festive and fun! Have a look at our amazing variety of doughnut walls available for purchase now! 

Doughnut Wall

Christmas Dinner Party 

Host a dinner party this year and celebrate the magic of Christmas. Make your favourite festive food and drinks. You can decorate your dinner table with lovely Christmas decorations to make it extra special. Invite your friends who you don’t usually spend Christmas day with. You’ll get an opportunity to share delicious Christmas food and enjoy the festivities. It’s almost like having two Christmas dinners.  

Ice Skating

Ice skating is such a fun mid-winter activity! Think about hosting your entire Christmas party at the ice rink. Your guests can enjoy food and drink in between racing around on their skates. They are guaranteed to love this festive, Christmas inspired location. You’ll also get brownie points for hosting such a unique Christmas party. 

Christmas Movie Night

Bring the popcorn, it’s time for Christmas movie night! Spend a night at home with your loved ones watching Christmas movies. Gather your favourite movies and a selection of Christmas snacks and desserts. Make sure you’ve got plenty of blankets and comfy seats for your guests. This is guaranteed to be a fun evening you won’t want to end! 

Christmas Quiz

Let the games begin! Host a Christmas inspired quiz this year and get competitive with your friends. You can hold your quiz after you have finished dinner or before you start movie night. Either way, this Christmas quiz will definitely test your festive knowledge. Do you know which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree? If you struggled with that one you may need to sharpen your Christmas knowledge before getting stuck into your quiz! 

Secret Santa

Secret Santa is one of our favourite ways to get the party started. Your friends and family will be randomly assigned a person to give a gift to. The person won’t know who they’re getting a gift from until it’s given to them. It’s a good idea to set a budget for the presents so everyone is on the same page. Secret Santa is a fantastic way to bring everyone together and share the joy of giving. It’s so much fun to see what gifts people choose and what people receive. Secret Santa will bring a smile to everyone's face at your Christmas party. Nothing screams festive fun like Secret Santa. 

Secret Santa

Christmas Themed Cocktails 

Christmas themed cocktails will be sure to get the party started! Our favourite Christmas themed cocktail is a Cranberry Gin Fizz. It’s made with sugar, frozen cranberries, gin, soda water, and orange. Or you could choose one of the classics like Amaretto Sour, mulled wine, or boozy eggnog. You can also make these cocktails alcohol free. Yum! Christmas themed cocktails will definitely get the party started! You’ll have so much fun making these cocktails with your family and friends!

Christmas Cocktail

Christmas Carols 

Carolling is one of the best ways to bring the Christmas spirit into your party. Gather your friends for a carolling trip around the neighbourhood. You’ll need a portable speaker, a set of songs you know and love, and some warm clothes to keep you toasty warm. Now, it’s time to knock on your neighbours doors and greet them with a smile and a song. After you’ve finished carolling, settle in for the night with a hot chocolate and a burning fire. 

Decorate Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread men are a crafty Christmas tradition! It’s so much fun to bake a batch of delicious gingerbread men, decorate them in Christmas colours, and then share them with your family and friends. The best part is that gingerbread men are super easy to make! The base is just a combination of flour, sugar, butter, and various spices! You can decorate the gingerbread men with icing, sprinkles, chocolate, or sweets! Get creative and decorate the gingerbread men in beautiful Christmas inspired outfits.  

Gingerbread men

We hope you’ve enjoyed our favourite inspiring ideas for your Christmas event! Let us know what idea you choose and what your guests think of your special party! 

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